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Freelance Opportunities


Freelancing or self-employment is a working model very widespread on use nowadays. Yet very competent people in their technical field are chronically lacking job, while freelancing jobs are generally well paid. 

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Crowdfunding 4.0: How to fund your projects from scratch?

Projet 4

Several tips for financing your project by the crowdfunding 4.0 do exist of course. I’ll just give two of them to you today. And, I will be revealing more to you, gradually, as we will be moving together.

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Insurance for Freelancer: A platform innovates!


The freelance status (self-employed) or chief entrepreneur is not easy at all. Banking institutions do not consider you creditworthy and mutual funds do not take you into account

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Crowdfunding 4.0, do you know?

Crowdfunding has evolved so far in its content as well in its form.

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