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TRAVEL: Story of a trip to a Savannah country

VoyageToday I am going to take you to the discovery of an adventure that every traveler dreams of making once in his life. This adventure, I had the opportunity to experience several trips, but this one is unforgettable!

First episode: Preparations for the trip

Voyage 3

Here we go!

The preparations begin.

The choice of my destination was made without hindrance. My whole focus has been on BURKINA FASO, the country of "of Integrate people ", a Savannah Country located at the heart of West Africa.

I concoct my budget now.

But, gosh! The cost of the trip is blocking me. What should I do?

It is in this confusion that I come across a platform in my research: the MPCash matrix platform: ( This platform is seats somewhat in the position of paying third parties for services and goods designed to improve the living and working conditions of its members. The benefits range from mutual health insurance to mutual credit for goods and services going through mutual funding for real estate, holidays, cheaper airfare..... The expenditure coverage rate is up to 60%.

What a bargain!

I jump upon the occasion. I register and I take some flash box for mutual holiday.

To give you the tip, here's how it goes:

  1. You need first to register on the platform as a member. It's free. After validating your registration, take time to get acquainted with the platform, in order to familiarize yourself with it for optimum exploitation, because, in addition to the ' ' Mutual Holidays ' ' offer, MPCash offers a whole range of opportunities;


  1. Your holiday project must be submitted to the platform 6 months in advance. Set your holidays plan, choose your destination(s) and decide how much money you need. Get help from a specialized agency if you need it and build your project. Access your BackOffice, go to "Mutual holidays" under "Mutual" and complete the price request form, not forgetting to download your project document and bill from your trip agency if any, then validate to send your request to MPCash;


  1. Wait for MPCash's response within one week. If your application is accepted, subscribe and pay your contribution amounting to around 40% of your holiday’s budget, as indicated in the notification of acceptance. You will naturally have to accept the contractual clauses for this purpose provided in the settlement of the mutual through the GCU;


  1. Once these conditions are met, MPCash puts your project for fundraising by its participatory electronic tontine; you can follow the fundraising process directly from your back office. As soon as the amount is completed, you receive a fundraising closure notification and MPCash will contact you or your agency if any, for the bank transfer of which you receive a copy anyway;


  1. All the following issues regarding the management of your holidays portfolio is your own responsibility, you and your agency, if any, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in your country of residence and your country of destination.

Voyage 1

In Short! For more information, go to or

On my side, after these facilities offered by MPCash that allow me to save 60% of my holiday’s budget, I then set out to settle the other formalities for my travel...

Finally, I managed to get my visas for the trip!

I now prepare my last stuff and, then close once for all my backpack and check that my camera is well operational, not forgetting of course to put in my other small bag my chargers, books, travel guides and so on.

I'm ready for the start. 

Let’s make an appointment in another episode, to let you live with me this unforgettable trip.

If you are not a member yet

profit to be registered

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