Mutual funds

CHEAP AIRLINE TICKETS: How does it work?

Billet d avion

You want an airline ticket? We sell it to you two to three times cheaper than the travel agencies and even cheaper than the company could offer !!!

The question that comes naturally to your mind is HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

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TRAVEL: Story of a trip to a Savannah country

VoyageToday I am going to take you to the discovery of an adventure that every traveler dreams of making once in his life. This adventure, I had the opportunity to experience several trips, but this one is unforgettable!

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TRIP: Do you know that some people travel with air tickets cheaper than yours? Find out!

Voyage 4

You like to travel, you are often looking forward to arriving, and you care about your comfort and your safety; so, the plane is your best ally

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TONTINE: The tontines flash box and flash pack in a few words

Tontine fb 3

The tontines flash box and flash pack are variants of classic tontine (rotary tontine, accumulative tontine) brought to world scale through the internet 

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MUTUAL: Save by using the "mutual" products of your platform

Mutuelle 1

This article aims to enlighten you about the products "Mutual" of MPCash.

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How to be funded as soon as possible !!! 5 Good tips

Financement projet

You have a great idea but lack funds to achieve it?

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HOLIDAYS: Have fun with only 40% of your holiday budget

Vacance 1

Yes!!! It's the holidays! The vacation is sacred and essential to your physical and mental balance, which also affects your productivity at work; but unfortunately! Easy to say and understand, but not always easy to do because it requires money, often a lot of money, you do not always have!!!

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HEALTH: Save 60% of your "health budget". Discover the trick!

Sante 2

Your health is very valuable for yourself, for your family, for your friends, for your country and for us, to be left to chance in life.

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REAL ESTATE: Discover how some people acquire their home to 40% of the normal price


The property, a word very strong resonance! Who has not dreamed of owning a property?

Here's the trick for some people!

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