TONTINE: The tontines flash box and flash pack in a few words
- By mpcash
- On 09/07/2018
- Comments (0)
- In Electronic tontine
The tontines flash box and flash pack are variants of classic tontine (rotary tontine, accumulative tontine) brought to world scale through the internet
What is flash box and flash pack?
Flash Box and Flash Packs are names given by MPCash to the participation taking units to its open type tontine. In classic tontine, some will call them "arms".
What difference is there between closed and open tontine type?
In a closed tontine type, the number of participants is not scalable. This is the case of most conventional tontines. This tontine type is made most often by people who are familiar (friends, relatives, colleagues etc ...) and living in the same area. The number is generally limited to 12, matching to the number of months in a year; participation taking unit is a fixed amount.
Conversely, in an open tontine type, the number of participants is scalable. This is the case of the Participatory electronic tontine of MPCash. This particularly consists of thousands of people all over the world in constant growth with diversified participation taking unit amounts, itch representing a whole tontine as sole. It is this diversity of product units that MPCash named after Flash Pack and Flash Box; which include:
A 25€ flash pack = a participation taking unit worth € 25
A 100€ flash pack = a participation taking unit worth € 100
A 200 € flash pack = a participation taking unit worth € 200
A 800 € flash pack = a participation taking unit worth € 800
A 35 € flash box = a participation taking unit worth € 35
A 35 € super flash box = a participation taking unit worth € 35
How is the open type tontine of MPCash managed?
The highly complex operation setting system behind the platform of MPCash open type tontine is handily managed by an application that you can download from MPCash website and Google Play store; that allows you to instantly follow the progress of your participation takings from entry (investment) to exit (ROI).
How do we determine the amount, a member will receive upon his turn of recovering in the open type tontine?
The number of members that contribute to the payback of a give participant in open type tontine is randomly set. On the other hand, the amount that a member will receive upon his turn of recovering is fixed by applying a fixed rate of "Return On Investment". At MPCash, we get ROI ranges of 71%, 50%, 40% and 10% with delays ranging from 2 months up.
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