Financing your projects, a reality from now on!!!


Nothing is more powerful than an idea, which time has come and ready to sprout!!!

Dare to take your flight; we’ll provide you the wings!

Funding of your project?

We make it our duty, by raising funds through our powerful crowdfunding system: the participatory electronic Tontine of MPCash

A real revolution in the internet world that brings together the main pillars of economy on the same platform: or

Just follow the instructions of our approach and you are done! You are at the right time, in the right place, with the right idea and above all, accompanied by good persons. 

Our goal is to share this revolution with you, because, you get here to make money and implement your PROJECTS

How would your life be if you had an extra     200 euro every month?

How would your life be if you had an extra     500 euro every month?

How would your life be if you had an extra     5,000 euro every month?

How would your life be if you had an extra     10,000 euro every month?

Ok! Well, everything is possible now, thanks to the internet, through the participatory electronic Tontine of MPCash

Who does not use internet nowadays?

From the President of the Republic to grandmother in the village, everyone is now online. In the future the Internet speed will be ten times greater than today; the number of users will grow bigger in the forthcoming years; the buying behavior on the Internet will increase by 5 times. The internet is now on our market (2.4 billion users worldwide in 2014; forecast 2018, 5 billion users).

Your extra advantage as an entrepreneur (training, monitoring, coaching, visibility, access to customer databases, promotion of your products and many more ......) FREE! YES FREE!!!

Your VISION is great, and, you will not step aside such an opportunity!


Visions give birth to great PROJECTS

Henry Ford's vision was to build a car for everyone (FORD BRAND)

BILL GATES’s vision was to produce a computer for everyone (MICROSOFT)

MARK ZUCKERBERG's vision was to connect people to each other worldwide (FACEBOOK)

Our VISION at MPCash is to promote a world where men and women are humanly and materially blossomed.

SO, do with us, what you have been willing to do so far and earn money you deserve.

MPCash is an opportunity for 99% of people. A team of experts in the fields of planning, finance, law, marketing, project management ... walks aside you from your project idea till its achievement.

MPCash is also AN INNOVATIVE METHOD :( Universal Passive Income System); a passive income because with us, you do not have to sell or do anything, customers come by themselves. So how much money can you earn......?

A simple path that leads directly to success

However everything starts with YOU; oh yes! By you!

To start the fundraising the project promoter (YOU) must be the first to put something in the jar; it could be a minimum amount of 35 Euro representing a unit share in the participatory electronic Flash Box tontine. Then the spread will be taken on by all members of the MPCASH community interested in your project.

Take this chance! If you are now aware of the opportunity that is offered to you, you have the opportunity to be part of a revolution! Yes! A revolution that has already begun! ...

Harry up! Register at or

And, do not forget to share this important news with as many people as possible, cause,

At MaximumPubliCash, it's the maximum of audience that generates the cash!

See you soon!

If you are not a member yet

profit to be registered

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tontine mpcash project financing

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